
July 2012

07/26/12 • BEST (COLD!) BEET SOUP

07/26/12 • BEST (COLD!) BEET SOUP From Canal House Cooking, Volume No. 1 When it comes to hot weather dining strategies, some people advise that the best approach is to turn up the heat—be it in the form of spiciness or of temperature. And as counterintuitive as that may sound, these heat-seeking advocates may well have a point. (For my self, there seems to be a direct correlation between a spike in temperature and a
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07/19/12 • RAISING THE GRANOLA BAR Adapted from Baking Illustrated, published by the Cook’s Illustrated Cookbook Collection. Granola bars have never really been a big thing for me. Sure, like most everybody on the planet I’ve eaten my fair share of them, but it’s pretty much been limited to occasions when I was traveling and everything else available at the airport kiosk or highway rest stop was out-of-the-question.
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