

08/21/13 • TOMATO PIE

08/21/13 • TOMATO PIE From the Aug./Sept., 2013 Garden & Gun Every year around this time I begin to recognize with an internal thud that the season of fun is fast coming to an end. I seem to arrive at this realization later than most (many of my friends and family have been wringing their hands over this indisputable fact for weeks already) but eventually the truth creeps in, even for me. And so once again only a
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05/28/13 • CHICKEN CUTLETS WITH TOMATOES From the June/July, 2013 Fine Cooking There’s nothing like the anticipation of big events in your life (and the arrival of your 5th decade!) to spur change, which I suppose explains why Alfredo and I have recently made some alterations to our way of doing things—specifically in the realm of food. This isn’t the first time we’ve made such tweaks but it is the only occasion I ca
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